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How to Increase Sales Using Customer Value Optimization: Make Money Online【電子書籍】[ M. Naveed ]

<p>How to Increase Sales Using Customer Value Optimization - Make Money Online</p> <p>Table of Contents<br /> Introduction<br /> Prerequisites of the Implementation<br /> Goals and Objectives of the Profitability<br /> Time Bound Goals<br /> Customer Oriented Approach<br /> Measure Optimization Quantitatively<br /> Think Long-term and be Flexible<br /> Basic Principles of the Customer Value Optimization Strategy<br /> The Customer Value Optimization Process and its Important Components<br /> What is Customer Value Optimization?<br /> Definition of Customer Value<br /> Definition of Optimization<br /> Interpretation of the CVO Process<br /> Let‘s Go through the Process Chart of This System<br /> A brief description of each step is provided for review:<br /> Selecting the Right Product and Market<br /> Selection of the Most Suitable Traffic Medium<br /> Methods of Web Traffic Generation<br /> Determining What the Lead Magnet should be<br /> Introduction to Lead Magnets<br /> Definition of Lead Magnets<br /> Characteristics of Good Lead Magnets<br /> Choosing the right tripwire<br /> Offering the Core Product/Service<br /> Need Fulfillment<br /> Cost and Pricing<br /> Availability and Placement<br /> How to Maximize the Company’s Profit<br /> Which is Right Return Path for the Company<br /> Techniques for the Return Path<br /> Email Marketing:<br /> Content Marketing<br /> Social Media Advertising<br /> Loyalty Programs<br /> Financial Evidence<br /> Drawbacks of the Customer Optimization Process<br /> Conclusion</p> <p>Introduction<br /> This book is an introduction and explanation of the processes and techniques that are used by marketing companies to new business ventures and start-ups. It is applicable to all business types that are starting operations, being acquired or looking for consultation in any field.<br /> The facts and ideas discussed in this book are the basis of all tactical solutions that many marketing companies use. These are the central value of customer satisfaction and business survival.<br /> These marketing techniques and ideas should be understood and implemented in a larger context and should not be restricted to one solution only. This means that if the marketing technique of Facebook advertisements is being considered it should not be done in isolation, rather its effects and consolidation with the entire marketing system should be studied.<br /> Some of the very successful businesses that have opted for this system of marketing techniques and solutions and have had extraordinary results include companies like Amazon.com, the leading eCommerce entity in the internet market, McDonalds the fast food giant, Starbucks, the specialized coffee franchise and other companies like Beach Body, Best Buy and the popular sports magazine Sports Illustrated. This marketing system has made all of its user companies popular and well known.<br /> Suitable for both small and medium businesses, it is very commonly used for various enterprises. From very small family businesses and retail shops to large multi-national and corporations, all can gain success and growth through this system. Irrespective of what the line of business is or what product or service is being offered, it is equally beneficial.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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