Express Yourself A Teen Girl's Guide to Speaking Up and Being Who You Are【電子書籍】[ Emily Roberts, MA, LPC ]

Express Yourself A Teen Girl's Guide to Speaking Up and Being Who You Are【電子書籍】[ Emily Roberts, MA, LPC ]

<DIV><B>Being a teen girl isn’t easyーso learning skills to feel confident is key! In?<I>Express Yourself</I>, psychotherapist Emily Roberts will teach you how to communicate effectively and feel assertive in any situation. Whether it’s online or at school, with friends, parents, bullies, cliques or crushesーany tricky situation life throws yours way.</B><BR /><BR /> Many teen girls feel pressured to be nice, rather than assert their opinions. They may fear being called bossy or pushy when speaking their mind or offering a different point of view. If you have ever stopped yourself from expressing your opinion, you know how bad it can feel afterward. Don’t let yourself fall into that same trap over and over. Your thoughts and feelings matter just as much as everyone else’sーyou just need to find your voice.<BR /><BR /><I>Express Yourself </I>offers skills based in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you create positive interactions with others and deal with difficult emotions that can arise from bullying or dealing with mean girls. The book also provides easy-to-use strategies that will boost your self-esteem and confidence, and you’ll discover tons of assertive communication skills you can use every day, including how to speak up when you are upset, asking for what you want in a clear assertive manner, and coping when intense emotions threaten to take over and sabotage your relationships.??<BR /><BR /> In our modern world of social media and texting, strong communication skills are needed more than ever. This book will not only give you the tools needed to speak up in everyday or difficult situations, but it will also provide powerful advice for effectively communicating in the digital world.</DIV>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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